

Public Affairs

Life Sciences Market Monitor

Economies are built on the need for progress and it is the rise of economies beyond the US and Europe which have proved most influential in changing the global life sciences sector. In the last decade countries like China and Japan have worked to liberalize their markets and grant more access to foreign investors. For pharmaceutical companies this opening has proved particularly attractive, with many choosing to head East for new partnerships which support R&D and manufacturing.

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Finance is gaining ground in the ESG battle

The French government should appoint H3C, Haut Conseil du Commissariat aux Comptes, as the independent regulatory authority for the control and sanctioning of non-financial auditors. What are the implications in light of the forthcoming CSRD?

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Good communications can help achieve meaningful progress in sustainability

After hosting a very successful roundtable at London's Employee Engagement Conference, the Transformation team came up with some key insights to share.

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Public Affairs

Life Sciences Industry Insights: UK Political Landscape

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M&A Leaks Report

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