

When deals are leaked – State of emergency for companies

While it may often provide a scoop for journalists, for companies it’s usually a horror scenario: Insiders divulge details of transactions before their scheduled release, and the media then broadcasts them to the world. At a corporate level, this can even cause a deal to collapse. Early preparation for such an emergency is the best defence to avoid this kind of fiasco.

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Who is responsible for keeping customers safe abroad?

The recent wildfires in Portugal and Greece have demonstrated that thanks to climate change holidays can be anything but relaxing. Greece is no longer the exception, for multiple years running we have seen the impact of climate in popular holiday destinations like Spain, Italy or California in the US. From a communications perspective this poses a new challenge to airlines and travel companies, which have always been expected to deal efficiently with unforeseen crisis, but now have an almost expected risk that they will need to make contingency plans around, but also maintain these commercially important routes open for tourists.

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Internal Communications Europe 2023

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H/Advisors Abernathy Releases Social in the C-Suite Report

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Global Leaks Report 2023

1/3 of all M&A transactions worldwide, valued over $2bn, leaked to the press in 2022. This is the inaugural global leaks report by H/Advisors and builds on the analysis done since 2015 in the US market by H/Advisors Abernathy. The report reveals that leaks in the M&A process have become endemic around the world, with more than a third of all the 267 transactions worth $2bn or more leaking before announcement in 2022.

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