
Havas Tinkle


Barcelona, Lisbon, Madrid

Tinkle is impact communications. We manage the applied influence for brands, companies, leaders and causes with the challenge of promoting and protecting valuation, reputation, ambition, interests in a “Brittle, Anxious, Non-linear and Incomprehensible” (BANI) environment.

We practice supra-specialized qualitative communications in corporate, financial, brand-marketing, category, reputation, special situations, ESG and workplace culture with ample experience in the main industries. We are a fluid organization, with a dynamic, entrepreneurial and passionate team based in Madrid, Barcelona and Lisbon. This allows us to cover the idiosyncrasy and diversity of the Iberian regional markets from a deep professional, cultural and relational input. We are committed to the success of our clients, we love teaming up with them, and foster their trust in long-term relationships. We want to be the best for our people, our clients and our planet, and we are actively involved in Global Compact, carbon neutral, Terra Carta, and BCorp.

Office Lisbon
Av. da Liberdade 252
1250-049 Lisboa

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Office Madrid
C/ Eloy Gonzalo 10, 1º planta
28046 Madrid

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Office Barcelona
Avenida Diagonal 456, Planta 3
08006 Barcelona

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